Why This Man is Fighting Against Fracking in His Community | NowThis

Emmett Hobley survived an oil rig injury in 2006 - now he's leading the charge to end fracking in his community. " Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.is/News_Subscribe " Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/KnowThis In US news and current events today, this man survived an accident on an oil rig in 2006.

Emmett Hobley survived an oil rig injury in 2006 — now he's leading the charge to end fracking in his community.

In US news and current events today, this man survived an accident on an oil rig in 2006. Now, he’s leading the charge against fracking underneath his home and educating others on how fracking destroys communities. In the U.S., property is separated into surface rights and mineral rights. This means oil companies can frack under your property because mineral rights are not automatically included with the purchase of land or home. Surface rights may extend 2 feet below the ground, depending on where you live. The mineral rights may be leased or sold to oil companies. This occurs because the US created separate property rights to retain access to lands that contain valuable mineral. Colorado has petroleum fields that span more than 1M acres. The oil and gas drilling in Colorado has been in Wattenberg Field, north of Denver, but because of unclear boundaries, oil drillers are moving south. Empowering them to make smart decisions for their community. He also created a trust board for homeowners who do have mineral rights to their property to be a figurehead against oil companies. Continued reliance on fossil fuels comes with outsized risks to public health and the environment. Extracting any type of fossil fuel requires ‘sacrifice zones.’ These are the lands and communities devastated by gas and oil drilling. In these ‘sacrifice zones,’ the number of skin and respiratory conditions increases. Worldwide burning of fossil fuels contributes to air pollution, which leads to 7 million premature deaths every year and the progressive warming our planet. In December 2019, the EPA reclassified the ozone from Moderate to Serious. The cancer risk is estimated at 8.3 per 10,000. For populations living within 500 ft of an oil and gas facility. This figure exceeds the EPA’s upper-risk threshold. These threats leave Hobley and his community a lot to fight for.

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